William Michael & Teri Michelle Mosley



Executive Summary

On November 30, 2003, Michael and Michelle were married in her hometown of Jackson, MS. In December of 2004 William Noah was born and his sister Sophia Bella followed him in March of 2006.  They moved to Texas, the home state of Michael in January of 2005 to be near his family in New Braunfels.

 Educated in International business and finance Michael began his career as an investment banker in Dallas. For the past 10 years he has served with Medtronic as a spinal consultant to physicians. Michelle is educated as a nurse, and spent 14 years practicing medicine and raising her daughter Kayla Michelle.  Since the birth of Noah, she has been supporting the family and the business with love from home.

 Noah and Sophia have been gifted with a special love for each other. Noah finds inventing, history, sports and music fascinating. He loves to read and spend time close to his mother early in the morning. Since he first spoke our language he told us of Christ love for him. He is Christ beloved son and ours.

Sophia Bella is a great friend to you, and loves to laugh and dance. She has a character that the Lord is actively developing through intimacy with her heart. While serving her brother and playing in the wind you will find her joyful. Communion with the King has always been the norm with Sophia. She is Christ beloved daughter and ours.

Michael was raised in the Presbyterian Church, and confessed Christ as his Lord and Savior in his youth (approx. 9 years of age). Michelle was not raised in any specific church and freely confessed Christ as her Lord and Savior in Oct 2003. In May of 2010, Michael and Michelle surrendered their lives to follow the Lord Christ as his disciples.

“Currently our minds read the Word and listen to the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit within our hearts. Through the Word of God, our pastors and family of believers we find confirmation to these teachings. Each day we surrender to exactly who the Lord has created us to be that day, no more and no less. We love our children in these understandings and His wisdom, and move faithfully toward His invitation.”

Michael & Michelle

“….believe in me, and from your heart will flow rivers of living water”  John 7:38